This page describes how to migrate an existing project using flutter_driver to the integration_test package, in order to run integration tests.

Tests with integration_test use the same methods that are used in widget testing.

For an introduction to the integration_test package, check out the Integration testing guide.

Starter example project


The project in this guide is a small example desktop application with this functionality:

  • On the left, there's a list of plants that the user can scroll, tap and select.
  • On the right, there's a details screen that displays the plant name and species.
  • On app start, when no plant is selected, a text asking the user to select a plant is displayed
  • The list of plants is loaded from a local JSON file located in the /assets folder.
Starter project screenshot

You can find the full code example in the Example Project folder.

Existing tests


The project contains the three flutter_driver tests performing the following checks:

  • Verifying the initial status of the app.
  • Selecting the first item on the list of plants.
  • Scrolling and selecting the last item on the list of plants.

The tests are contained in the test_driver folder, inside the main_test.dart file.

In this folder there's also a file named main.dart, which contains a call to the method enableFlutterDriverExtension(). This file won't be necessary anymore when using integration_test.



To start using the integration_test package, add the integration_test to your pubspec.yaml file if you haven't yet:

    sdk: flutter

Next, in your project, create a new directory integration_test/, create your tests files there with the format: <name>_test.dart.

Test migration


This section contains different examples on how to migrate existing flutter_driver tests to integration_test tests.

Example: Verifying a widget is displayed


When the app starts the screen on the right displays a text asking the user to select one of the plants on the list.

This test verifies that the text is displayed.


In flutter_driver, the test uses waitFor, which waits until the finder can locate the widget. The test fail if the widget can't be found.

  'do not select any item, verify please select text is displayed',
  () async {
    // Wait for 'please select' text is displayed
    await driver.waitFor(find.text('Please select a plant from the list.'));


In integration_test you have to perform two steps:

  1. First load the main app widget using the tester.pumpWidget method.

  2. Then, use expect with the matcher findsOneWidget to verify that the widget is displayed.

  'do not select any item, verify please select text is displayed',
  (tester) async {
    // load the PlantsApp widget
    await tester.pumpWidget(const PlantsApp());

    // wait for data to load
    await tester.pumpAndSettle();

    // Find widget with 'please select'
    final finder = find.text('Please select a plant from the list.');

    // Check if widget is displayed
    expect(finder, findsOneWidget);

Example: Tap actions


This test performs a tap action on the first item on the list, which is a ListTile with the text "Alder".

After the tap, the test waits for the details to appear. In this case, it waits for the widget with the text "Alnus" to be displayed.

Also , the test verifies that the text "Please select a plant from the list." is no longer displayed.


In flutter_driver, use the driver.tap method to perform a tap over a widget using a finder.

To verify that a widget is not displayed, use the waitForAbsent method.

test('tap on the first item (Alder), verify selected', () async {
  // find the item by text
  final item = find.text('Alder');

  // Wait for the list item to appear.
  await driver.waitFor(item);

  // Emulate a tap on the tile item.
  await driver.tap(item);

  // Wait for species name to be displayed
  await driver.waitFor(find.text('Alnus'));

  // 'please select' text should not be displayed
  await driver.waitForAbsent(
    find.text('Please select a plant from the list.'),


In integration_test, use tester.tap to perform the tap actions.

After the tap action, you must call to tester.pumpAndSettle to wait until the action has finished, and all the UI changes have happened.

To verify that a widget is not displayed, use the same expect function with the findsNothing matcher.

testWidgets('tap on the first item (Alder), verify selected', (tester) async {
  await tester.pumpWidget(const PlantsApp());

  // wait for data to load
  await tester.pumpAndSettle();

  // find the item by text
  final item = find.text('Alder');

  // assert item is found
  expect(item, findsOneWidget);

  // Emulate a tap on the tile item.
  await tester.tap(item);
  await tester.pumpAndSettle();

  // Species name should be displayed
  expect(find.text('Alnus'), findsOneWidget);

  // 'please select' text should not be displayed
  expect(find.text('Please select a plant from the list.'), findsNothing);

Example: Scrolling


This test is similar to the previous test, but it scrolls down and taps the last item instead.


To scroll down with flutter_driver, use the driver.scroll method.

You must provide the widget to perform the scrolling action, as well as a duration for the scroll.

You also have to provide the total offset for the scrolling action.

test('scroll, tap on the last item (Zedoary), verify selected', () async {
  // find the list of plants, by Key
  final listFinder = find.byValueKey('listOfPlants');

  // Scroll to the last position of the list
  // a -100,000 pixels is enough to reach the bottom of the list
  await driver.scroll(
    const Duration(milliseconds: 500),

  // find the item by text
  final item = find.text('Zedoary');

  // Wait for the list item to appear.
  await driver.waitFor(item);

  // Emulate a tap on the tile item.
  await driver.tap(item);

  // Wait for species name to be displayed
  await driver.waitFor(find.text('Curcuma zedoaria'));

  // 'please select' text should not be displayed
  await driver.waitForAbsent(
    find.text('Please select a plant from the list.'),


With integration_test, can use the method tester.scrollUntilVisible.

Instead of providing the widget to scroll, provide the item that you're searching for. In this case, you're searching for the item with the text "Zedoary", which is the last item on the list.

The method searches for any Scrollable widget and performs the scrolling action using the given offset. The action repeats until the item is visible.

testWidgets('scroll, tap on the last item (Zedoary), verify selected', (
) async {
  await tester.pumpWidget(const PlantsApp());

  // wait for data to load
  await tester.pumpAndSettle();

  // find the item by text
  final item = find.text('Zedoary');

  // finds Scrollable widget and scrolls until item is visible
  // a 100,000 pixels is enough to reach the bottom of the list
  await tester.scrollUntilVisible(item, 100000);

  // assert item is found
  expect(item, findsOneWidget);

  // Emulate a tap on the tile item.
  await tester.tap(item);
  await tester.pumpAndSettle();

  // Wait for species name to be displayed
  expect(find.text('Curcuma zedoaria'), findsOneWidget);

  // 'please select' text should not be displayed
  expect(find.text('Please select a plant from the list.'), findsNothing);