

The flutter tool will no longer generate a synthetic package:flutter_gen or modify the package_config.json of the app.

Applications or tools that referenced package:flutter_gen should instead reference source files generated into the app's source directory directly.



flutter_gen is a virtual (synthetic) package that is created by the flutter command-line tool to allow developers to import that package to access generated symbols and functionality, such as for internationalization. As the package isn't listed in an app's pubspec.yaml, and is created via re-writing the generated package_config.json file, many problems have been created.

Migration Guide


This change only affects apps that have the following entry in their pubspec.yaml:

  generate: true

A synthetic package (package:flutter_gen) is created and referenced by the app:

import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
// ...
const MaterialApp(
  title: 'Localizations Sample App',
  localizationsDelegates: AppLocalizations.localizationsDelegates,
  supportedLocales: AppLocalizations.supportedLocales,

There are two ways to migrate away from importing package:flutter_gen:

  1. Specify synthetic-package: false in the accompanying l10n.yaml file:

    synthetic-package: false
    # The files are generated into the path specified by `arb-dir`
    arb-dir: lib/i18n
    # Or, specifically provide an output path:
    output-dir: lib/src/generated/i18n
  2. Enable the explicit-package-dependencies feature flag:

    flutter config --explicit-package-dependencies



Landed in version: Not yet
Stable release: Not yet

One stable release after this change lands, package:flutter_gen support will be removed.



Relevant Issues:

  • Issue 73870, where package:flutter_gen pub problems are first found.
  • Issue 102983, where package:flutter_gen problems are outlined.
  • Issue 157819, where --implicit-pubspec-resolution is discussed.

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